Friday, October 17, 2008


I somehow was lucky enough to see one of these in NY city. Thought I would share my luck with you.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Unknown said...

I can't believe you had you camera out! It had to be like waiting at a glacier for hours and taking the picture just and a huge piece breaks and crashes into the water! How exciting! I had only heard rumor of them to exist..

Unknown said...

You know, the more i look at it, the more I think it might be just "Photoshopped"

Jeff said...

Mark as you can tell the camera was shaking as I took the picture. It's not photoshopped. Just dumb luck

Jeff said...

Mark as you can tell the camera was shaking as I took the picture. It's not photoshopped. Just dumb luck