Friday, September 19, 2008

Phoney Boloney

Ok.. What is the deal with these prerecorded cell phone answering messages. "If you'd like to page this person please press 5". "If you'd like to leave a fax please press 7", really a fax. How many times on earth does that option get used, and where would I put the fax if I had 1 to send, in the USB port of my cell phone. This lady seems to think I have all the time in the world to listen to her babble on about the options I have, to leave my friend a message. I just want to leave my message, and move on. The craziest part of the message though is.... "When you are finished you can just hang up". Oh. thank you Queen Message Recording Woman for the permission to hang up when I'm done. I really would not have figured that out on my own after leaving the message. Do you ever think someone racked up 200 cell phone minutes wondering what to do after they left their message? What ever happen to the good 'ole self recorded message. Half the fun of that was re-recording your message
10-12 times to get it right.

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